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Monday, April 26, 2010

Semi-Homemade Chocolate-Banana Cake

Let me start by saying that I always have good an healthy intentions when I buy bananas. I love to eat them, but I'm a bit picky and as soon as they start getting brown spots, I'm not into it anymore. I hate throwing stuff out so making a quick and easy cake came to mind.

I didn't have much time and had been working at the stable all day, so I went for a Betty Crocker cake mix. I usually make my cakes from scratch but if it has to be quick with not much effort, one should always have some cake mixes at home, as you can always dress them up by adding your own twist to it. So I did just that!

I added the following:

1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)
1/2 cup almonds (chopped)
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
2.5 mashed bananas

Prepare your cake mix just like it's written on the box, then mix in your additional ingredients so they are well incorporated in the batter.

Pour in a prepared cake pan and bake in accordance with the box, the cake might need an additional 5 minutes, because with the mashed bananas we're adding additional moisture. At the end of the baking time, test doneness with a wooden skewer, if it comes out nice an clean, without any batter sticking to it, the cake is done.

Remove cake from the oven, and turn upside down on cooling rack. Once cool, decorate any way you like.

There you go... easy and quick Chocolate Banana Cake, all you are missing is a nice cup of coffee!

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